
Here you can find examples of legal visual design, as well as other complex or rule-based visual design. Use this for inspiration, testing, and thinking outside the box!

You can also find lots more legal visuals at our sister site Visual Law Library.

Policy Design examples

What are better ways to display privacy policies, terms and conditions, and other ‘fine print’ to get rules and policies across?

Other Legal examples

If you are trying to show how a legal process works, or how to be strategic about the law, how can you show this through visuals?

Traffic ticket redesign from the Simplification Centre
The Simplification Centre has a redesigned traffic ticket -- a speeding notice that would come in ...
Redesigned rental agreement for landlords-tenants from the Simplification Centre
Another project from the Simplification Centre is a redesign of a UK rental agreement -- a ...
New benefits application from Project Re:form of Civilla
Google’s Security Checkup intervention
Google has a Security Checkup that alerts users, while they are going about use of other applications, ...
Terms & Conditions Change-Tracker
The project Terminos y Condiciones from Mallorca Spain is experimenting with new ways to help ...
Facebook Dinosaur Privacy Checkup
Facebook instituted some privacy checkups using a Blue Dinosaur as the mascot. The dinosaur asked ...
Bank Privacy Table
Here is a table design from Carnegie Mellon's Bank Privacy site. It provides a table ...
A Nutrition Label for Privacy
A Nutrition Label for Privacy is an academic study by Patrick Kelley, Joanna Bresee, Lorrie ...

Non-Legal examples

What can we learn from outside the world of law, to inspire better legal designs?

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