From the back of my notebook, a series of sketched out checklists from my Admin Law class — to review for issues while going through Admin Law fact patterns.
Your Due Process Rights with a federal agency investigation
Another quick admin law sketch, this time about individual’s due process rights in the face of a federal investigation
Sun Ray Drive-in Dairy vs. Oregon Liquor Control Commission
An illustration of an especially peculiar Admin Law case that hinged on cans of creamed peas — 3 of them to be exact. Admin law was surprisingly fun! Thanks to Professor Cuellar at SLS. (C) Margaret Hagan 2012, all rights reserved
Can a federal agency force you to hand over info?
Another flowchart from Admin Law, all rights reserved (c) Margaret Hagan 2011
Can a Federal Agency Physically Search Your Property?
(c) Margaret Hagan 2011 A flowchart sketch I made back when I was taking Admin Law several years ago.
REACH legislation visual
This is a visualization of the REACH legislation on chemical usage in the EU, submitted by French lawyer Gary Sette. Here is his description of the visual, and why he created it: It represents the 141 articles and 17 annexes of the REACH regulation that entered into force on June 1, 2007. REACH stands for “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restrictions …