We are building an SMS messaging system that will allow for automated responses and flows of information to be sent out from the court to litigants. It will allow for timely and relevant information to be sent straight to the user’s phone.
Our goal is to build a tech solution that is low-cost to courts, easy to change and improve, and that can be scaled up and customized for other courts and non-profit legal groups that might want to implement an SMS-based messaging system.
We’ve been scouting out the possibilities for how to implement an SMS-based reminder messaging system. Our ideal solution is something that is open-source, so that it can be modular & scalable after we develop it for our pilot. Our long term goal is to create an out of the box software solution, that would allow any court, legal aid group, or other legal non-profit too quickly implement an automated SMS based messaging system .
How-To Guides
How can we actually implement a successful text messaging system, that lets a government agency like a court connect with its users?
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Messaging Platforms
We’ve been collecting together an inventory of the various software tools that offer ways to send, manage, and create automated interactions for SMS messages. Some are open-source, others are proprietary.
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2 Comments on “Tech Work”
Hi is this project open source? Is their a Github repo I can look at? From a quick scan on the project description, it looks like its a wrapper sitting on top of a service such as Twilio, etc. Is that right?
Hi, we haven’t made the code live yet. We are still working with our developers to get our pilot ready.