Our Events and Activities

Prototyping for Policy summit

Our legal design summit in 2018 focused on how to bring design methods — particularly prototyping and rapid experimentation — into policy-making.

See the conference site here, with the full schedule of speakers and sessions.

Read more about some of the outcomes here in our Legal Design and Innovation summary.

Law + Design Summit 2017

We had our first large summit on legal design at Stanford d.school in September 2017.

We brought together lawyers, judges, designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs to gather case studies of how design methods can be useful in various parts of the legal system and to learn from experiments in legal design.

See the program here.

Legal Design Workshops

The Legal Design Lab runs workshops for students to learn design thinking and to tackle specific challenges.

We work with legal organizations, including courts, firms, legal departments, foundations, and legal aid groups to train them on design thinking, scope new initiatives, conduct user testing, and plan how to bring innovation into their organization. Please be in touch if you are interested in a workshop.

We also hold Innovation Sprints at our Lab each quarter. In these Sprints, we train teams on user-centered design process, and help the teams to scope, prototype, and plan for testing of a challenge they have brought. If your team would like to attend an upcoming Sprint, please write.

We run workshops on a variety of process, skills, culture-change, and strategy:

Service Design: Working with state courts to plan how they can better present language access materials, or serve self-represented litigants

Culture Change:Helping a law firm plan for diversity and inclusion among their associates and partners

Design Thinking: Coaching lawyers in the design process — for example, coaching law firm lawyers on how to use design thinking to advise their clients on a business problem in their legal department

Visual Design: Training lawyers on the essentials of visual design, and how to apply it in their presentations, writings, and arguments

Innovation Strategy: Planning how to launch an innovation and design lab inside of a law firm

User Testing: Evaluating a current app, website, or service offered by the government with its target users, and then having a co-design session to create new versions

Exploratory Sessions: Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders who are all involved in a system, to prioritize an agenda of challenges to tackle, and identify a shortlist of new solutions to pilot

Our Recent Events

AI + Access to Justice Summit at Stanford
On October 17 and 18, 2024 Stanford Legal Design Lab hosted the …
Bringing an AI & Access to Justice Community Together
What we learned about at the LSC-ITC conference of civil justice professionals, …
AI & Legal Help Crossover event
What can justice professionals be working on, to make stronger relationships with …
AI & Access to Justice: Opportunities, Risks, and Next Steps workshop
As more lawyers, court staff, and justice system professionals learn about the …
Invitation MIT/Stanford Legal Design Lab: Design Guidelines for Hybrid Courts
Please join us on 5/20 at 1pm ET for the public presentation …
Blueprints of Justice
New Blueprints of Justice The Stanford Legal Design Lab is collaborating with …
New Spaces of Justice: Workshop Series
Stanford students are invited to register for this unique workshop series organized …
Pop Up Webinar Replay: How to Run a Better Virtual Meeting
After the past months of online work, legal professionals know all the …
A hybrid Data/Design workshop for justice innovation
This post was originally posted at our Legal Design and Innovation publication …
Design for policymakers
Earlier in the month, the Legal Design Lab team taught a short …
Learned Hands game tournament
Tomorrow, we will be doing an in-person game tournament to label as …
Building a Better Lawyer
This piece was originally posted on the Lab's Medium publication, Legal Design …
Law + Design Summit in videos, part 1
Last year, our Lab hosted the Law + Design Summit at Stanford …
Planning out an Eviction Self-Help intervention study
Today, our Legal Design Lab team, led by Daniel Bernal hosted a …
Rethinking Data Privacy Communication Design: 3 big questions from Bologna
At a recent legal design workshop at University of Bologna in Italy, our Legal …
Drawing in law classes
In all my law classes, I have begun doing at least 1 …
Intro to Legal Design: spring 2018 class
We are so excited to be offering Intro to Legal Design next …
The Rise of Design in Policymaking: In conversation with Verena Kontschieder
By Ayushi Vig, This was originally posted in our Medium publication Legal …
Our Prototyping Blockchain for Law pop-up class: how do we teach law students about blockchain?
Last week the Legal Design Lab hosted a pop-up workshop: Prototyping Blockchain …
Design Thinking for Law Professors workshop at AALS
Yesterday, I was fortunate to work with Dan Jackson of Northeastern's NULawLab, …


Hola soy joven abogada recien graduada en mi paos Ecuador, y estudiado mi maestria en Propiedad Intelectual y derecho nuevas tecnologias me gustara poder conocer mas de ustedes y de vuestros avances en cuanto al Design Thinking aplicado al ambito juridico

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