Aza Raskin’s privacy redesign project

The designer Aza Raskin tackled the design of privacy notifications & policies several years ago. His blog details his (and his co-designers’ and experts’) process to try to make more readable & targeted disclosures that would be meaningful to people. 1.) Making Privacy Policies Not Suck Privacy policies are long legalese documents that obfuscate meaning. … Read moreAza Raskin’s privacy redesign project

On what constitutes good legal notice

Notice fails to protect consumers when it gives ‘theoretical’ knowledge rather than ‘practical’ knowledge. A paraquote from Ryan Calo’s reference to Edward Rubin’s argument about notice, in “Against Notice Skepticism in Privacy”.  The question is what constitutes good legal notice — this points to one branch of new designs, grounded in practical application of knowledge.

Against Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo

via Against Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo :: SSRN. What follows is an exploration of innovative new ways to deliver privacy notice. Unlike traditional notice that relies upon text or symbols to convey information, emerging strategies of “visceral” notice leverage a consumer’s very experience of a product or service to warn … Read moreAgainst Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo

Code, Nudge, or Notice? by Ryan Calo

Laws can be hard to pass and easy to ignore. Regulators are increasingly turning to alternatives to law to influence citizen behavior. This Essay compares three methods that have particularly captured the imagination of scholars and officials in recent years. Much has been written about each method in isolation. This Essay considers them together in … Read moreCode, Nudge, or Notice? by Ryan Calo