
via Background : Recently there have been numerous approaches for simplifying privacy policies by the use of icons. Similar to the Creative Commons project for managing content licenses, some scholars and technologists have suggested privacy policies could be enhanced by being expressed via several layers, including one with simple-to-understand icons. After a presentation given … Read morePrivicons

Privacy Icons: Alpha Release, Mozilla & Aza Raskin

Earlier this year, Mozilla convened a privacy workshop that brought together some of the world’s leading thinkers in online privacy. People from the FTC to the EFF were there to answer the question: What attributes of privacy policies and terms of service should people care about? This lead to a proposal presented for the W3C, … Read morePrivacy Icons: Alpha Release, Mozilla & Aza Raskin

7,500 Online Shoppers Unknowingly Sold Their Souls

A computer game retailer revealed that it legally owns the souls of thousands of online shoppers, thanks to a clause in the terms and conditions agreed to by online shoppers. The retailer, British firm GameStation, added the “immortal soul clause” to the contract signed before making any online purchases earlier this month. It states that … Read more7,500 Online Shoppers Unknowingly Sold Their Souls

Visceral Notice Types

Ryan Calo in Against Notice Skepticism in Privacy proposes that we consider Visceral Notice alternatives to language-based notice. Visceral Notice leads consumers to experience information rather than just telling them information.  Think of road designers putting speed bumps onto the road, rather than signs saying to slow down. Ryan Calo lists off several types of … Read moreVisceral Notice Types

Consumer Comprehension of Financial Privacy Notices

via Consumer Comprehension of Financial Privacy Notices – s70907-21-levy.pdf. This report describes the results of the second phase of a research project focusing on privacy notices that financial institutions are required to provide their customers under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). The project goals were to better understand consumer comprehension of privacy notices and to assess … Read moreConsumer Comprehension of Financial Privacy Notices

Against Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo

via Against Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo :: SSRN. What follows is an exploration of innovative new ways to deliver privacy notice. Unlike traditional notice that relies upon text or symbols to convey information, emerging strategies of “visceral” notice leverage a consumer’s very experience of a product or service to warn … Read moreAgainst Notice Skepticism In Privacy (And Elsewhere) by Ryan Calo

Code, Nudge, or Notice? by Ryan Calo

Laws can be hard to pass and easy to ignore. Regulators are increasingly turning to alternatives to law to influence citizen behavior. This Essay compares three methods that have particularly captured the imagination of scholars and officials in recent years. Much has been written about each method in isolation. This Essay considers them together in … Read moreCode, Nudge, or Notice? by Ryan Calo