Welcome to The Plea Agreement Project design site.

Plea Agreement Project class Defendants in the system

Our Process

Our team ran a 4-session ‘pop-up class’ at Stanford’s Institute of Design (the d.school) in Spring 2014. Along with 10 graduate students from around Stanford, we ran through a quick design cycle around the challenge of: “How can we improve the Plea Agreement Experience for the various stakeholders in the criminal justice system?

We interviewed a mix of federal & state prosecutors and defense attorneys; we read widely about different problems & opportunities in the plea bargaining process; and we collected proposals for how the process could be redesigned. During our 4 sessions, we collected insights and mapped opportunities for system redesign. Then we brainstormed products & services to improve the process — whittled these ideas down to a handful of promising ones — and then prototyped and tested these ideas.

Our pop-up class concluded by sifting through the feedback from our stakeholders, and using it to iterate on our prototypes, working them into proposals for redesigns that could be piloted in the criminal justice system.

Now our team is streamlining the various proposed projects that came out of the class into simple pilots that could be implemented with legal partners. If you are interested in piloting one of our ideas, please be in touch!

The Plea Agreement Project - illustration page 1

The Plea Agreement Project - illustration page 2

MargaretProject Home

2 Comments on “Project Home”

  1. raj jayadev

    Great stuff! Would love to see how are community can help test the prototypes. And we are just down the street in San Jose! Hope to chat soon. Thanks and great work – raj jayadev (AC Justice Project // Silicon Valleu De-Bug)

  2. Salomon Loayza

    I’d like to be part of the project due to my personal experiences with it. Please contact me.

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